Add and delete a chat entrance

To add a new chat entrance in CallGuide Admin, open the Chat entrances window found under the Media menu.

  1. Double-click in the first empty row at the bottom of the area named Chat entrance, or use ,Insert on your keyboard.
  2. Then enter the name of the entrance.
  3. Click on OK to save and close the window.

Each new entrance added, can then be seen in The Entrances, menu choices and task types window under the Routing menu.

When a new chat entrance has been configured in CallGuide Admin, Telia Company still has to take certain actions in CallGuide Chat Engine before the entrance can be used.

Copy a chat entrance

If you want a new chat entrance to use the same values as those of an existing entrance, you simply click the Copy button and enter the name of the entrance. You then save, using the OK button, as in the section above.

Change information for a chat entrance

The name of a created entrance cannot be changed. The only exception is if you have not yet saved with OK. To change a name before you have saved, you select the name in question in the list, right click to open the context menu, and then select Edit.

All changes will appear in blue text until you have clicked on OK to save.

Remove a chat entrance

To remove a chat entrance you select the name in question in the list, and click on the Delete button, press Delete, or select Delete from the context menu opened with a right click.


Telia CallGuide version 10.1. New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB